
Terms of Engagement

At the start of every engagement, and once we have agreed the basis for our fees and charges, we shall set out the terms of the agreement in a clear and straight forward letter of engagement incorporating our standard terms and conditions. We shall attach the agreed costs budget against which we shall submit our invoices on a monthly basis, ensuring transparency at every stage of the matter.

At the conclusion of every engagement, we shall request a short meeting with our client to discuss our professional performance to ensure that we have delivered value in handling the matter and that we continue to understand our client’s business needs. Our aim is to build lasting business relationships with our clients by providing the highest quality of legal counsel at a cost that is reasonable and proportional to the instructions that we have received.

Our firm strongly believes in giving back to the community that we serve. We appreciate that as professionals, we are in a very privileged position in our society. We want to support our clients and the charities that our clients support. For more information, please refer to the “Giving Back” page of our website.