Last year, our firm ran a series of articles and webinars concerning legal developments as to the construction and application of the London Engineering Group (“LEG”) extensions found in Construction All Risks (“CAR”) insurance policies.
Mediation is an essential dispute resolution tool. Over the past ten years, more than 430 cases with a combined value of in excess of US$18 billion have been mediated before the Singapore International Mediation Centre (“SIMC”) as the Courts encourage parties to find a negotiated resolution to disputes which may otherwise incur millions in legal fees and weeks in trial.
My Most Sincerest Thanks for a Life Beyond Dreams
On 2nd September 1992, I was given the greatest gift of my life, to become a trainee solicitor. Two years later, on 2nd September 1994, I was given an even greater privilege, to be admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales. That privilege was repeated almost 20 years subsequently when I was admitted as a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Singapore.
The Insurer’s Friend And The Sharpest Tool In The Shed: The Offer To Settle Aka The Calderbank Offer
Two of the most commonly asked questions in the claims department of any insurance company are: “How do we defend inflated claims?” and at the same time “How do we reduce legal spend on defence costs?” Claims do, of course, drive the insurance industry, because without claims there would be no need for insurance. And inflated claims, whether innocent or otherwise, are part and parcel of that industry. As indeed are aggressive plaintiff lawyers and sometimes equally aggressive panel defence lawyers, all with billable targets to achieve.
The Singapore Court considers an insurer’s implied duty to pay within a reasonable period – Section 13A of the UK Insurance Act 2015
Singapore’s first case on Section 13A Insurance Act.
The Judgment: South Capitol Bridgebuilders v Lexington Insurance Group 21-cv-1436
In the article, we explain why this could be the most important judicial decision for the London insurance market in over 25 years.
Draft 7th Edition of the SIAC Rules – What to Expect for Future SIAC Arbitration Proceedings?
The public consultation for the Draft 7th Edition of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) Rules (the “Draft Rules”) has commenced. The Draft Rules draws from SIAC’s experience of administering over 3,000 arbitration proceedings under the current rules and demonstrates SIAC’s commitment to advancing the practice of international arbitration.
Warranty & Indemnity Insurance – Takeaways from Finsbury Food Group Plc v Axis Corporate Capital UK Limited & Ors [2023] EWHC 1559 (Comm)
In the last few years, a number of specialist underwriters of transactional – mergers and acquisitions (‘M&A’) – insurance products have set up shop in Singapore. Following from the successes in the London market, underwriters are now turning their attention to Singapore.
Managing Arbitration Proceedings -Will Arbitration Remain Effective and Efficient in Resolving Disputes?
Arbitration proceedings have often been touted as an effective and efficient method (compared to litigation proceedings) of resolving disputes. Arbitral institutions (such as the SIAC) have rolled out various initiatives (for e.g., expedited procedure) to ‘speed things up’ to different degrees of successes. In this briefing note, we share our insights on how arbitration proceedings can remain an effective and efficient method of dispute resolution.
Policy Exclusions – General Applicability of Exclusions Embedded Within Policy Extensions
We discuss whether policy exclusions set out in certain extension clauses have any impact on other extension clauses. Particularly, we will make reference to the English decisions of London International Exhibition Centre v RSA Insurance Plc & Ors [2023] EWHC 1481 (Comm) (“EXCEL v RSA”) and the China Taiping arbitral award issued by Lord Mance.